Sunday morning I woke up HUNGRY! I have actually grown to love that feeling in the morning. CJ and I have a ritual where we got to IHOP every weekend. I usually get the Simple & Fit 2 egg breakfast. But, today for some reason, I really wanted oatmeal. So, that is what I got! It was delicious, I mixed in nuts and ordered a side of egg beaters. Breakfast was great and it really kept me full. 

Later that day, my sister and I went to my moms house to decorate the Christmas tree. Well, it was more like I decorated the tree, but I loved it. It was a little weird. I have always fantasized about the day that I would host my own Christmas, that I would receive my moms decorations that have been a staple in the house since I was young. Well, today was that day. My mom went through box after box handing things "over" for my house. 

Big news!  After almost six year together, CJ and I are moving in together (this May)!. While decorating the tree with my family, I expressed dream of our future Christmas celebrations. I love the thought of the holidays. It actually scares me for the thought of the day when I have my own child (I can't wait) because I know I will overdo it, I just can't help it! Well, I want to be the home that everyone comes to on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is full of so much suspense. I want to be the family tradition all the kids look forward to every Christmas eve. Plus, we will all need something to do to entertain our children on that big night! I want to be that house! I want to have a big turkey/ham dinner, presents under the tree, everyone dressed up, Christmas carols, the whole deal! Well these are the words from my mother's own mouth, "why don't we start next year"?... And that we will do!

We had such a good time reminiscing over childhood artifacts that defined our childhood. I was feeling a little guilty about all the beer I had consumed on Saturday, but I was signing Christmas songs and thought to myself, a glass of wine wouldn't hurt. That night we went out to dinner. We ate at an Italian restaurant. I ordered Chicken Caccitorre (I really don't know how to spell it, and I don't feel like looking it up... forgive me). I have been trying SO hard to follow the every 4th day eat carb schedule. Well, no, today is not a carb day and that garlic bread looks amazing...

I left there so full, the meal as mainly protein based (other than the sugar in my marinara sauce). I had a few bites of my mom's eggplant parmesan (oops, it has breadcrumbs and cheese aka CARBS), but I did it! I resisted the garlic bread. I guess you could say I did good (remember what that mean? I didn't overeat). I just kept thinking that even though I ate one plate setting, the whole plate setting. It was probably the size of 3 meals I would eat at home. 

It was a great evening with my mom. Other than the fact that we ended up with the police because they thought we were breaking into our own building. Long story, but she didn't know how to use the alarm at her shop... Oh mom! Overall, good weekend, I don't feel that I did anything that I truly regret :)

Breakfast: Oatmeal with nuts, egg beaters, & Coffee

Snack: Peanut Butter & Almonds

Dinner: Salad with House Italian Dressing, Chicken Caccitorre, & 2 glasses of wine

No exercise :(

First off, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. If I am going to write this blog (still a little weird to me), then I am going to be completely honest. Maybe I am being honest with you, right? There has to be someone else out there who struggles like I do. Well, maybe I will atleast be honest with myself.

Friday night I actually didn't do anything! I left off saying "oh, we will probably drink, and I have to plan for that" blah blah blah. Well, I was so tired I actually didn't even make a complete dinner. I had almonds and peanut butter, surprise surprise! Still enough calories to be a meal. Actually, the amount that I eat, probably more calories than I would eat in a regular meal.

Saturday we went to Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios. I am not feeling that great about myself and I was meeting a few of CJ's friends (who I have never met before). That in general brings anxiety. Why? I really don't know. I really shouldn't care what other people think about me, but I do. Overall, they day went well. We walked all day which made me feel better since I didn't have time to run. We went to a restaurant in the park and I got a grilled chicken salad. All was good except the amount of beer we consumed. 

Later that night, we went to a friends house for burgers. Generally, these burgers would NOT be on my meal plan but they were amazing. The deli style buns were toasted on the grill, the patties were so think and tender they melted in your mouth. i did get a little nervous when I heard him say each patty was 1/2 pound each! 

Later that night I was hit with a surprise! All day long the boyfriend was saying, I have so much to do tomorrow, "I don't think we will go out to cowboys". So, of course, I didn't plan on that outing when I was consuming calorie after calorie in the park. Its not that I am worried about necessarily gaining weight after a few extra calories (I have been there, done that), but now my body continues to swell. I personally feel better just eating a snack before a night out. 

Cowboys was fun, luckily I didn't run into anyone I knew. I didn't even have any clothes to change into.  I don't know why, but when I go out, I like to feel good (and yes that means look good). To wrap it up... I left cowboys a drunk mess, but I didn't eat any junk... SUCCESS!

Breakfast: Oatmeal & Coffee from McDonalds

Lunch: (too soon for a snack) Grilled Chicken Salad & Beer & Wine

Snack: Almonds

Dinner: Cheeseburger, IT WAS HUGE :( 

And drinks, and drink, and more drink... but at least I made a dancing fool of myself :)